Gestational Diabetes: Labor and Delivery

Most women carry their
babies to full-term and
deliver without problems.Most women with gestational diabetes carry their babies the full nine months and do not have any problems, and most are able to deliver their babies through normal labor and vaginal birth. During the last part of your pregnancy, your doctor and members of the health care team will watch your baby’s size and movements, his heart-rate pattern and the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. All of these will help your doctor decide the best time for delivery –– before, on, or after your normal due date. During labor, the nurses will continually check both you and your baby, including checking your blood-glucose levels.

If during labor you have some problems or if your baby is too big to fit through your birth canal and vagina, you will have a cesarean birth. This type of birth involves making an incision through the abdomen and uterus and delivering the baby that way. Cesarean births are fairly routine and safe, but they require a longer recovery period.

Personal Story from a mother who had an emergency cesarean she was not prepared for.

More about Gestational Diabetes

What is Gestational Diabetes?
How Do I Know If I Have Gestational Diabetes?
Will My Baby Be Alright?
Will I Be Alright?
Managing Your Diabetes
Tests To Check Your Baby’s Health
Labor and Delivery
Can I Get Diabetes Again?

The moment of birth by cesarean.
If during labor you have some problems or if your baby is too big to fit through your birth canal and vagina, you will have a cesarean birth.

Pregnancy and Childbirth