How To Get Rid Of Low Blood Pressure: Natural & Home Remedies

Have you ever had that dizzy feeling when you get up all of a sudden? You usually have to sit back down or hold a wall to not fall on your face. It is called orthostatic hypotension and has happened to almost everyone and usually poses no threat to our health, depending on the severity.

It occurs because there is not enough blood flowing to our heads. But once we’re up, the brain sends a signal to our heart to pump a little harder in order to get more blood flowing and regulate our blood pressure levels.

Normally, a low blood pressure level is nothing to worry about when it doesn’t present any signs or symptoms.

The problem begins when some people have a prolonged dizzy feeling and lightheadedness because their heart doesn’t have enough power to pump blood at a higher rate. The low blood pressure causing this could be a symptom of something even worse and you should seek medical care right away.

In other cases, these are some common causes for very low blood pressure:

• Dehydration
• Pregnancy (goes away after birth)
• Heart disorders
• Nutritional deficiencies
• Medications (antidepressants, diuretics, alpha and beta blockers)

Drinking more water and increasing your salt intake are two examples of natural methods that will usually help get rid of the low blood pressure and regulate it to a normal level.

If the condition is not as serious as it is bothering, consider the following natural home remedies to alleviate the symptoms of low blood pressure.

Home Remedies For Low Blood Pressure

If the hypotension condition you have is mild, it is possible to cure it with natural treatments you can easily do at home.

Drink Salt Water

Yeah, I know it sounds bad and you’re probably already cringing. But if you gulp it down and give your mouth a quick rinse afterwards, the salty aftertaste will disappear.

Salt has always been considered an unhealthy element in our diet, as it has been proven to increase blood pressure in adults with normal blood pressure levels. Eliminating or reducing it in our diets could lower our blood pressure levels, but for someone with hypotension, some salt in their diet is exactly what they need to increase their blood pressure to the right level.

This method is meant to be done with precaution as too much salt can make you go from low to high blood pressure before you know it. All you have to do is mix half a teaspoon in a cup of water or consume sports drinks with nutrients such as potassium and sodium. You can even add a lemon for extra flavor and a kick of electrolytes.

Drink Coffee

Coffee has good and bad reviews for our health. Many coffee lovers will fight the nay-sayers with valid reasons that entice us to maintain coffee in our diets. And luckily, coffee is better tasting than salt water.

Apart from the other benefits of coffee, such as the antioxidant content (more than fruits and vegetables), the caffeine contained in coffee can temporarily increase your blood pressure.

Although results are unsure, you might consider becoming a long term coffee drinker and enjoy the benefits that come with it, such as:

• Lower risk of getting Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
• 67% lower risk of Type II diabetes.

You might think that this has nothing to do with naturally increasing your low blood pressure, but actually Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and diabetes can all cause orthostatic hypotension.

However, keep in mind that the long term effects of coffee on blood pressure are not fully understood.

Sip Green Tea

If you’re not a coffee lover or if coffee interrupts your sleeping patterns, then your beverage of choice can be green tea. A cup of green tea contains 25 mg of caffeine, enough to get your heart pumping and improve the blood flow throughout your organism.

Drinking green tea can eventually help increase your blood pressure levels while also fighting the more serious causes such as diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

You should also ration the long-term use of green tea. Although a reduced blood sugar level is a benefit for healthy blood pressure, if your blood pressure is too low then over-consuming green tea can potentially be harmful long term.

Green tea has been shown to lower blood pressure in people with Stage 1 hypertension or prehypertension (source). However, the caffeine in green tea might increase blood pressure in people with high blood pressure (source).


Getting the heart pumping through exercise can be a great, easy way to alleviate hypotension symptoms right at home.

When we’re lying down or sitting, the heart is in rest mode, pumping just enough blood to reach our extremities. We feel dizzy when we stand up because of the abnormal blood pressure caused by the blood pooling in our extremities and trunk. This results in insufficient oxygen, which is transported in the blood to reach our brains.

Moving our legs in a scissor fashion will help the blood flow easily through our body harmoniously before we stand up abruptly.

It’s better to avoid heavy lifting, but another option is yoga. Yoga is a form of movement and exercise and according to it improves blood circulation, which could regulate your blood pressure through breathing techniques and poses.

A very simple pose mentioned is to start from a seating position on the floor next to a wall and lean your legs parallel to the wall. This way you will use gravity to “pull” the blood back up your body. Hold the pose for 15 minutes and exit it by slowly rolling to one side.

Lifestyle Changes To Naturally Treat Low Blood Pressure

Avoid alcohol: One of the main causes of hypotension is dehydration, which is exactly what alcohol does immediately after it’s consumed, no matter how much you drink. So, next time drink a pure cup of water or some lemonade.

Don’t be abrupt: Everyone has spontaneous moments that cause us to jump out of bed or immediately stand up for something after hours of being in a resting position.

If you know you are prone to feel dizzy and lightheaded when you stand up, remember to breathe in while standing up slowly so your body has enough time to adjust to the different pressure levels.

Your diet is Important: If you have gone to the doctor because of your low blood pressure, he might have told you to include more salt in your diet. If salt isn’t your thing, soy sauce is a nutritious and delicious replacement. Surprisingly, it goes well with a variety of meals, such as chicken and broccoli.

You need nutrients for your organism to function properly. Make sure to consume enough vegetables, fruit, and good fatty acids such as those contained in fish.

Go low-carb: Limit the consumption of potatoes, rice, pasta, bread or any high-carb foods. Also, eat small and more frequent meals.


If you are already suffering from very low blood pressure and presenting symptoms, make sure to include certain things in your diet and everyday lifestyle to get rid of it. There are a variety of natural remedies for low blood pressure. It only takes discipline to effectively alleviate your symptoms.

Consuming more salt, either in water or in food, could help increase your blood pressure to a safe level if it is consumed accordingly. Coffee and green tea can naturally increase your blood pressure while fighting some serious illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson and Alzheimer. All diseases are also potential causes for low blood pressure. Keeping active is an important part in keeping a healthy blood circulation in order to regulate blood pressure levels. Yoga is recommended and avoid heavy lifting.

These home remedies are not a one-and-done type of thing that will cure your low blood pressure after a single change. If you are prone to lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, blurry vision and fatigue make sure to commit to certain lifestyle changes that will help you live a life without these complications.

Please note that while these remedies may help manage symptoms of low blood pressure, they should not replace medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.