Thousands of Caring for Your Newborn booklets are purchased in English and Spanish each year by hospitals and pediatricians across the U.S. to give to new parents. It is used in childbirth preparation classes by many hospitals, churches, and childbirth educators. It was written using the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics. We think you will find it helpful for the first month with your newborn—especially if this is your first baby.
Because hospital and health care budgets are shrinking, Media Partners has decided to make the information available online. We hope it helps with tight education budgets! Media Partners, Inc.
Table of Contents
Caring Begins at Birth
Your Newborn’s Hospital Check-up
Ten Fingers and Ten Toes
Special Care for Your Newborn
When Your Newborn Cries
Changing Your Newborn’s Diaper
Feeding Your Newborn – breast or bottle feeding
Feeding Your Newborn – spit ups, weight gain, BMs
Bathing Your Newborn
Dressing Your Newborn
Shhh!! We’re Sleeping
Keeping Your Baby Safe
Your Newborn’s Admirers
Taking Your Newborn Out
If Your Newborn Gets a Cold
If You Have Questions
Well-baby Check-ups
When to Call Your Pediatrician
Take Care of Yourself, Too
This booklet was written using the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics; however, it is meant to give you basic guidelines—not advice. Follow your pediatrician’s advice about your baby.
Caring for Your Newborn is also available in Español.

Expert Advisors: Linda Abercrombie, RNC, BSN, CCE; Randall W. Barfield, Jr. MD, Pediatrician; Dianne Harris, BS, CHES; Michelle Klevesahl, RN, BSN, CCE, Certified Lactation Consultant; Sheryl Lewis, RN, Newborn Nursery; Kristy K. Martyn, PhDc, RN-CS, Certified Nurse Practitioner
Copyright 1996; 1997; 1999; 2002; 2007; 2010 Media Partners, Inc. All rights reserved—no part of this book may be reproduced. This booklet has been filed with the U.S. Copyright Office.
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