Symptoms of Tonsillitis and Need for Tonsillectomy

What are the symptoms of tonsillitis? The various symptoms associated with tonsil infection are: • Chronic sore throat. • Bad odor in the mouth. • Dental malocclusion or improper alignment of teeth. • Abscess or pus-filled sac. • Upper airway obstruction, which causes swallowing difficulties, snoring and sleep apnea. Infected adenoids cause: • Breathing obstruction. … Read more

Tonsillectomy care after surgery

What happens after a tonsillectomy After the procedure, the patient is taken to the recovery room where the patient’s family or caregiver can meet the patient and be with him or her till the action of the anesthetic wears off. Once the anesthetic loses its effect, the patient is generally allowed to go home with … Read more

Tonsillectomy – Get your tonsils out

The surgical removal of the tonsils is called tonsillectomy  and that of the adenoids is called an adenoidectomy. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, or T&A as it is commonly called, go together since in olden days whenever a tonsillectomy was performed, the adenoids were removed as well. Though, this practice is not followed in recent times, tonsillectomy … Read more


Craniotomy is the procedure of removing a portion (bone flap) of the cranium (skull) temporarily to get access to the brain. This procedure is not done by itself but rather as a part of another surgery done either to the brain or surrounding tissues. The bone flap is put back in place once the surgery is complete.

Pain Control After Surgery

This article tells you about pain relief after surgery. It explains the goals of pain control and the types of treatment you may receive. It also shows you how to work with your doctors and nurses to get the best pain control. This article will help you learn why pain control is important for your recovery as well as your comfort and to play an active role in choosing among options for treating your pain.

Open Heart Surgery: A Patient and Family Guide

The thought of having heart surgery can be pretty scary. You may be most afraid of what you don’t know about it. Like — How should you prepare? What will happen during surgery? How long will surgery take? What will recovery from surgery be like? How long will it be before you fully recover? Will you ever be the same again? This article answers many questions and hopefully puts some of your fears to rest.

Recovery After Outpatient Surgery

When You Get Home Medicines If you had to stop taking a daily medicine, ask your surgeon when you can begin taking it again. Make sure you are aware of any possible interactions between your daily medicine and the “temporary” medicine you will be given while you are recovering. If you have any reactions as … Read more

Getting Ready for Outpatient Surgery

Your doctor has decided that surgery is the best solution to your health problem. He has referred you to a surgeon. The kind of surgeon you will see depends upon your injury or condition. You and the surgeon will talk together about the surgery. He will tell you about the surgical procedure, the risks of having or not having the surgery, and the options available to you in place of surgery. Also, he will tell you what results you can expect. Then, you alone must make the decision to have or not to have the surgery.

Preventing Lung Problems After Surgery and General Anesthesia

There are many kinds of surgery done under general anesthesia. With general anesthesia, you’re “put to sleep” and your breathing is slowed down and the breaths you take are not as deep as you normally take when you are up and active. This puts you at risks for lung and breathing complications like pneumonia. By doing breathing exercises you can help prevent these complications.